every event needs a buddee


My event buddee logo

Stacey + Jeff

event type:

I had the honor to work with Jeff and Stacey on all of their wedding design needs as well as be their day of coordinator. I worked with the beautiful couple on all of their printed collateral as well as the design of the overall wedding! The day ran perfectly and was an absolute success although I was 34 weeks pregnant at the time. Everything from communicating with the vendors to running the ceremony, everything went smoothly.

event type:

I had the honor to work with Jeff and Stacey on all of their wedding design needs as well as be their day of coordinator. I worked with the beautiful couple on all of their printed collateral as well as the design of the overall wedding! The day ran perfectly and was an absolute success although I was 34 weeks pregnant at the time. Everything from communicating with the vendors to running the ceremony, everything went smoothly.